Posted by: Witch Doctor | November 9, 2013

How to save the NHS £886,626,000 a year


Rationing or cutbacks directly involving patient care within the NHS may or may not be necessary. The Witch Doctor assumes at the present time neither is necessary.


Because no-one has accounted for the waste that is going on within the NHS.

Waste in little things.

Waste in big things.

Waste in not prioritising the important from the unimportant.

Waste in continually trying to manage the unmanageable.

Waste in making decisions that even a monkey could, in the blink of an eye, recognise as crazy.

Waste in projects that go well over budget or are abandoned.

Waste from staff faffing about doing things that are of no benefit to patients and of miniscule benefit to themselves.

Until that waste is fully accounted for and corrected, The Witch Doctor is of the opinion it is rather obscene to talk about rationing or cutbacks.

Who in government is measuring the cost of ALL of this waste resulting from inappropriate activity?

Well, a medical blogger is having a go at this.

He / she / they have worked out how to save the NHS over £ 886,626,000 a year.

And that is just for one scam.

The scanning scam!

The Witch Doctor is not clever enough to verify these figures. Neither is My Black Cat. Nevertheless, black cats have a wisdom all of their own. MBC maintains that if no-one from government challenges these figures either by commenting on this blog or on Nothern Doc’s blog, then we should assume that the figures are correct and that the scanning scam wastes about £886,626,000 of taxpayers’ money.

However, it seems to The Witch Doctor that this calculation does conceal another happening of a financial nature – one that probably siphons off a few million pounds of money directly from patients’ bank accounts into the private sector.

The problem is, The Witch Doctor has to be careful how, or if, she tells you about this, because, as readers of this blog may be aware, she seldom discusses clinical situations concerning patients unless they happened a very long time ago or it involves a very close member of her family.

So, she may or may not tell you sometime about the other side of the scanning scam that she has observed in recent times.


  1. hello y is the gmcuk & the phso so blind i have asked for the post surgeon report but they keep saying the is no report y dose doctor tell me to ask for this report it as to say that doctor andron mohammed as put in the wrong stent in my heart and he as killed off 25% of it putting me on a high risk list if you have 1 can you copy it and show me pls

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