Posted by: Witch Doctor | September 28, 2014

More on paedophilia and oddballs


In general, The Witch Doctor yawns when she hears about yet another case of chatting up, touching up, or some kind of sexual harassment that falls well short of rape of an adult – especially when it happened decades ago and real hard evidence is non-existent.

When you look at the familiar face above, you might find it difficult to believe this but true it is nevertheless – attempts have been made to chat up, touch up and sexually harass The Witch Doctor in the past. You might also find it hard to believe, but The Witch Doctor never batted an eyelid at any of these advances even on the occasions that some dick or another tried to expose himself. No. She just dealt with the matter there and then.

No-Big-Deal !!!

A quick smack or a huge wallop is generally all that is required.

And then there is always the Book of Spells in the most serious instances.

So probably we witches have an advantage.

However, if every male who had ever chatted up, touched up or sexually harassed a female over their lifetime was eventually caught up with and tried for the offence, the police force, courts and prisons would grind to a halt.

However, to be clear, The Witch Doctor is not referring to rape, attempted rape or serious physical assault.


On the other hand, if anything makes this witch absolutely fuming mad it is where sexual abuse of children or adults needing protection occurs in a setting such as a school, childrens’ home, hospital, church, or anywhere else where  people are supposed to be protected by trustworthy staff.

She also gets fuming mad at the notion that festered a few decades ago within The Paedophile Information Exchange, that acts of paedophilia were somehow OK and might even benefit the child!!!!

Here’s a report of numerous sordid offences that beggars belief:


“A public investigation is to be launched into how a paedophile teacher, William Vahey, was able to drug and abuse at least 60 children at the £25,000-a-year Southbank International School in London.”

“Between 2009 and 2013, Vahey, an American humanities teacher, used sedatives to render boys drowsy on excursions, then took them back to their rooms and abused them while they were unconscious. The FBI has described him as one of the most prolific sexual predators it has ever seen.”

“A review from Hugh Davies QC, commissioned and paid for by Cognita, has already found that the school breached statutory guidelines in hiring Vahey, failing to take up references and allowing him to be hired by only one person, the then headmaster, Terry Hedger.

Davies said Vahey’s questionable conduct had been known about during his employment and reported, but that inadequate record-keeping meant the alarm had not been raised.”

The Witch Doctor has always been wary about handing over any her several witch children to the care of people she did not know well for school trips, sleepovers etc, especially since one of her own teachers, now an old man, is currently in jail for child sexual abuse involving his pupils many years ago.

And incidentally, she thinks the fact that Jimmy Savile, a man who, famous or not, was clearly an oddball by any standards was permitted to roam around hospitals the way he did for years on end is utterly preposterous. NHS heads should roll over this.

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